
Showing posts from 2015

I'm OverWhelmed But I Believe...

Helloooo Well I'm still on this journey of truth to the amazing awesomeness I aspire to be. I want to learn how to create, or have an awesome blog with all the awesome sauce on top. I believe I it will come true for me. I also want to create products for my very fist tpt store, and will I do, the brag will be real. I will just start simple. Work has started back, and like always my car is one of the last in the parking lot *sigh*. I talk too much too my neighbors ( co workers)  because then I'm like ok guys see you later, and I see all my co workers walking out the door, and I'm panicking because I too want to walk out the door too. Then I think too myself, what have you got done, then I shake my head, pout, and take a whole whopping 30 minutes packing up to leave. Oh did I mention the slight OCD I have with a certain order I must leave my classroom before I leave. SMH. I realize the effect once I start noticing my students ...

Too Many Google Accounts

Good Morning, So I was locked out all last night. I was unfortunately unable to figure out which google account ( out of the several that I have)  was link to my blog. Talk about a irritating experience. I figure I would give it another shot this morning while my brain was clear and rejuvenated.  Well with all that being said, its time to delete some google accounts. I have to many, and they were made by mistake. So Yeah!  Signing Off   Birdie 

Transition From Skinny Girl to Med Size....

Where do I Start. So for the past couple maybe even three years I've had this issue with my weight. Many girls typically do. Well even when I was a size 4 transition to a size 6 it became an issue. See as most I've always known its not in my genetic swimming pool to remain a stick all my life. Also, when you have the constant reminder from elders that the weight gain will soon to come, that doesn't exactly ease your nerves as a young child. So I'm in a mood because I recently just got off the phone with a girlfriend of my, and she was speaking about a lady she works with and how shes an epic fail because she made the New Years Resolution to diet and lose weight, and the lady has had no success of weight loss.  Well being the person I am, and the transition struggle I'm having, hearing that comment didn't exactly excite me, and in a way I felt a bit unease. Because like many others I've made that same goal. However, instead of the diet goal, I've ma...

Whoo Hoo

Evening, Well in Atlanta their was a lot of fun activities. However, I'm stuck in the realm of figuring everything out as of now. So today was a chill day for myself. I relaxed, rested, researched a little, and ate ( half healthy snacks and meals ) I'm attempting to get track of my transition into a healthy lifestyle. I want to include healthy eating and regular exercise in throughout the remainder of my life. I want to instill this in my children's children. This will not be an easy transformation, but I'm ready.  This week I was more active, Wednesday I drove down to Macon with Tash to see our roommate Corliss, and that was fun. The very next day I hung out at a friends studio to talk photography ( one of my interest ). Friday I did a work out session with Leaira to help me with my transformation. I consider this expensive but I will make sure its not a waste. *sigh*  This expensive transformation better be worth it. On that note I need to make sure to do more...

Simple Hellooo

Hello.... I'm not sure how to get this started. I blogged for 4 years in my youth, so I figured this would be natural to me. However, I feel like I'm learning to ride a bike for the first time. I want this blog to be so amazing, awesome in so many ways, and in so many ways I just want it to be about me.  My growth, my journal, my adventure, my life. In all creative ways imaginable. All about me.  I will figure this out and it will be mastered. ( in due time )