
Showing posts from August, 2015

I'm OverWhelmed But I Believe...

Helloooo Well I'm still on this journey of truth to the amazing awesomeness I aspire to be. I want to learn how to create, or have an awesome blog with all the awesome sauce on top. I believe I it will come true for me. I also want to create products for my very fist tpt store, and will I do, the brag will be real. I will just start simple. Work has started back, and like always my car is one of the last in the parking lot *sigh*. I talk too much too my neighbors ( co workers)  because then I'm like ok guys see you later, and I see all my co workers walking out the door, and I'm panicking because I too want to walk out the door too. Then I think too myself, what have you got done, then I shake my head, pout, and take a whole whopping 30 minutes packing up to leave. Oh did I mention the slight OCD I have with a certain order I must leave my classroom before I leave. SMH. I realize the effect once I start noticing my students ...